Get a specific user purchase behavior
Hey everyone, I am new on Dynamic Yield and I am trying to develop a feature where I need to get all the purchases of a specific user to use the purchase date for a business event.
To make my question clearer, in React or Vue, I would simple grab the user_token and use that to query API for such info. How to do a similar action on Dynamic yield? How do I get a specific user's purchase data to get the date of a specific product that they bought?
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Hi Aby,
There is no direct way in DY to pull purchase date for a specific purchase. If we wanted to replicate the behavior the closest available tool would be to use the Daily activity stream. This tool can not be queried, so in order to do so an API would have to be constructed. I believe the best solution would be to query the very same API you are using React/Vue which should generally speaking have the same or a similar timestamp.
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