Multi Language Variables for Dynamic Content Campaigns



  • Lior Delouya

    Hi Manuel,

    There is a feature on the way to support this. 


    The best way, for now, is to have a JS code that is looking into the context lng parameter/URL and picking the lng variable for you. Basically you will have a translated variables in one template, rather than 3 experiences. 

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  • Manuel Fuechslin

    That's what would be great to use.

    Is there a Dynamic Yield Javascript which we can use? Out of a Template or so.

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  • Lior Delouya


    We do not have an official reference for this. I would recommend that you will share the need with your CSM which might be able to provide you with something.


    I'm not a developer BUT, In general, it will be something like




    <div class = 'myTraslatedDiv'> </div>




    var lng = DY.recommendationContext.lng

    lng1Text = ${DYVariableLng1Tex}

    lng2Text = ${DYVariableLng2Tex}

    lng3Text = ${DYVariableLng3Tex}


    if (lng === lng1) {

    append lng1Text variable to myTraslatedDiv


    else if ...


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  • Guy Dynamic

    another example:

    var DY_VARIABLES = {
        "title":"${EN Banner Title}",
        "img":"${EN Banner Image}",
        "url":"${EN Banner click URL}"
        "title":"${DE Banner Title}",
        "img":"${DE Banner Image}",
        "url":"${DE Banner click URL}"
        "title":"${FR Banner Title}",
        "img":"${FR Banner Image}",
        "url":"${FR Banner click URL}"

    var bannerHtml = document.getElementById('dy-banner');
    bannerHtml.querySelector('.dy_title').textContent = DY_VARIABLES[DY.recommendationContext.lng].title;
    bannerHtml.querySelector('.dy_image').textContent = DY_VARIABLES[DY.recommendationContext.lng].img;
    bannerHtml.querySelector('.dy_url').textContent = DY_VARIABLES[DY.recommendationContext.lng].url;
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