How to prioritize Recomendations



  • Saul Ackerman

    Hi Manuel,

    In the strategies you can create a different strategy by slot by clicking on `Use different algorithm for each slot` found directly under algorithm chosen. 

    To filter a slot by brand you can click on Add filtering rule and add a rule to a specific slot eg:
    On the next tab in the filter you can add a rule if it iexists in the feed. In this example it will be only products with the Category men, but Brand would be the same process



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  • Manuel Fuechslin

    Hello Saul, Thanks for your response.
    I now about the Strategies and they are also a setup that way.
    But what i want is that the first Recommendation Black with all strategies get filled and then the second recommendation and so on.
    I want to get the possibility that I can say which Recommendations on the Page have the most value for me and have to fill and rendered first.

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  • Raphael Richter

    Hi Manuel,

    if I understand you right, you want to reorder the recommendation widgets on the PDP based on the priority?

    Do you want to do this globally (for all PDPs) or does the order depend on a product attribute of the specific products? E.g. on one PDP the recommendation with the strategy "similar" is first, but on another PDP the recommendation with the strategy "more from this brand" is the first one.

    My first idea is to implement this with different experiences representing the priorities and including the recommendation widgets in a different order.



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