How do we know what is time for our site in DY and can we change our site time zone?



  • Tair Korf

    Hi Sunita,


    You can check your time sets in the DY admin by going to settings --> general settings --> click on the edit pen (near the section name).

    Then, you will see the timezone and you have the option to change it.

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  • Sunita Dublish

    Thank you. I see that. 

    Is there any place where I can see the current time in system? I am on pacific time zone so I chose Pacific time but when I was creating a countdown timer, I realized that the DY time is 2 hours ahead. I know we have one hour because of daylight savings. I have to remember that and make sure I stop the tests 2 hours after the time we need.


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  • Tair Korf

    Hi Sunita,

    There is no one time for the system, for each client we adjust the timing based on the time that was set in the Admin.

    If you have an issue with the timing, you can contact our support team and they will investigate this specific issue. 

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