Root audiences


1 comment

  • Ashley Berman

    Hey Tracey Sullivan,

    Thanks again for posting this question during today's Experience Targeting Best Practices seminar! Here's the answer we gave to your question during the seminar (click the link above to the seminar recording and scrub to about 47:22 to hear our live response):

    While consistency is important for Root Audiences, that shouldn't preclude you from evolving your Root Audiences as your business grows. There are plenty of reasons that could surface over time that prompt you to reassess the principle that you use to segment out your Root Audience. Let's say you add a subscription product to your inventory. This could create a new & important group of users that are active subscribers and might warrant a new framing of your customers in terms, for example, acquisition targets, one-time purchasers, and subscribers as 3 simple Root Audiences.

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