Looking for ideas to leverage value of Keyword Search Event
The keyword search event captures every search string.
How can this data be leveraged?
What types of campaigns can leverage data from keyword search events?
Hey Henry,
There are a few different ways that keyword search results can be leveraged:
1. Using an Evaluator, you can create a custom targeting condition
- This would allow you to show any campaign based on that keyword.
2. You can in a campaign Grab the keyword to display it in the campaign itself using some basic JavaScript.
- For example, a banner where the title is based on the search results
3. Probably the most useful of the lot is using our real-time-filters for recommending content based on the keyword search.
- The limitation here is that the keyword you are searching for needs to exist in the product feed
4. You can place users in audiences using a custom event for particular terms
With these in mind, you can get creative and create a bunch of different experiences for users doing a search
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