Looking for ideas to leverage value of Keyword Search Event


1 comment

  • Saul Ackerman

    Hey Henry, 


    There are a few different ways that keyword search results can be leveraged:

    1. Using an Evaluator, you can create a custom targeting condition 

    • This would allow you to show any campaign based on that keyword. 

    2. You can in a campaign Grab the keyword to display it in the campaign itself using some basic JavaScript.

    • For example, a banner where the title is based on the search results

    3. Probably the most useful of the lot is using our real-time-filters for recommending content based on the keyword search. 

    • The limitation here is that the keyword you are searching for needs to exist in the product feed

    4. You can place users in audiences using a custom event for particular terms 

    With these in mind, you can get creative and create a bunch of different experiences for users doing a search


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