Active cookie consent mode
A user data privacy setting, under which users are not served personalized experiences unless they actively provide consent.
Active cookie consent
The mechanism that enables users to actively provide or withdraw their consent for the use of cookies.
A small piece of data that's stored on a user device (such as a computer, smartphone, or tablet) when the user visits a website. Cookies are used to remember user preferences, track user behavior, provide personalized experiences during subsequent visits, and facilitate personalization and marketing activities. They're created by the website the user is visiting (first-party cookies) or by other websites that run content on the page being viewed (third-party cookies).
Customer unique identifier (CUID)
A unique identifier you provide us with (generally in the form of a hashed email address).
Data controller
The entity that determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data, as defined under applicable data privacy regulations.
Data processor
The entity that processes personal data on behalf of the data controller, as defined under applicable data privacy regulations.
Data privacy regulations
Laws and regulations designed to protect individuals and user’s personal data and regulate how such data is collected, stored, used, and shared. Examples include the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the ePrivacy Directive, and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA).
Dynamic Yield identifier (DYID)
A unique identifier we generate for each user device that accesses a Dynamic Yield-enabled website.
Experience OS
The Dynamic Yield proprietary technology system that enables personalized experiences across various digital channels.
First-party cookies
Cookies that are set directly by the website that the user is visiting and can only be read by that website.
A security measure that transforms a string of characters (such as an email address) into a fixed-size string of text, which is typically a "digest" unique to each piece of input.
Local storage
An object on the user device that stores data that persists even when users close their browser tab or window.
Personal data
Information that can reasonably identify, relate to, describe, be capable of being associated with, or be linked, directly or indirectly, to a particular individual or user.
Any operation or set of operations performed on personal data. Processing includes storing, collecting, retrieving, using, combining, erasing, and destroying personal data, by automated or manual means.
A piece of code embedded in a website or an application that enables various functionalities, such as tracking user interactions, gathering information, displaying content, or facilitating communication between different parts of a website or application.
TTL (time to live)
The set time until a cookie expires and is discarded from the user's browser.
The individual who is accessing or using a particular website or app provided by you.
Website or site
A collection of web pages, digital content, and resources that are accessible via the internet and are owned, operated, or controlled by you to offer goods or services to users.