Segment is a customer data platform (CDP) that specializes in event collection and data activation. The platform collects data from websites, mobile apps, servers, and cloud applications and pushes that data to downstream destinations.
The Segment connector enables you to sync Segment audience data with Dynamic Yield instantly. Once synced, you can aim Dynamic Yield campaigns at users in particular Segment audiences.
Install the Segment extension
- In the Experience OS store, go to Segment and click Learn More.
- On the Segment page, click .
- Go to Audience Hub › Extensions.
- Select Active from the status dropdown.
- In Connection Settings, enter the identifier type for this integration. Important: This Dynamic Yield customer unique identifier (CUID) must be identical to the one you use in your Segment events, and also in your Dynamic Yield identification events (login, signup, identify user, and newsletter subscription).
- Click Save. Keep this tab open, as you'll need to copy the identifier, section ID, and connection key to your Segment console.
Configure the Dynamic Yield destination
This is a one-time setup in Segment Connections. After you complete this configuration, you'll select audiences to sync with Dynamic Yield.
Note: To integrate with Dynamic Yield, you must be a member of the Connections Business plan, and ensure that data is sent only from approved IP addresses. Contact to update your data source.
- In Connections › Catalog, search for Dynamic Yield.
- On the Dynamic Yield Audiences page, click Add destination.
- Select the relevant space, and then click Confirm Source.
- Enter the information from Dynamic Yield (see Step 6 of the previous section): Identifier, section ID, and connection key. Click Save.
- Go to Mappings. Click New Mapping and then click Sync Audience.
- Go to Engage › Audiences and select the audience you want to sync with Dynamic Yield.
- On the audience page, click Add Destination, and search the Dynamic Yield destination.
You can now view the synced audiences in Experience OS.
Create audiences based on Segment data
- In the Experience OS Audience Hub, go to Audience Explore.
- Select Segment Audiences from the dropdown list.
- Configure audience conditions based on data from Segment.
- Make sure the identifier type and values are identical in both the Dynamic Yield integration settings for the Segment connector and the destination configuration in Segment.
- Make sure that the identifier type you use in your identification events (Login, Signup, Identify) is the same identifier used in the integration.
- Verify that the users in the Segment audiences indeed visited the site. If you're not sure, we recommend that you create an audience with all users who visited the site, sync it, and see if users appear in the Audience Explorer.
- Note that Audience Explorer doesn't include real-time data, only defined past timeframes.
If an audience from Segment is unsynced:
- Segment isn’t able to send us this webhook. This means that this audience is still available on Experience OS, but the data is the "old" data we collected until the audience unsynced.
- If you sync it again, Segment sends us updated information about users who joined or left this audience.
- If the destination is deleted, Segment is unable to send us this information. This means that the audience data remains on Experience OS until it's manually removed.
- If you've just now implemented the identifier in your identification events: For users who were never identified on the site, connecting them to their Segment identity can take up to 24 hours.