If you have more than one section in your Dynamic Yield account, you can copy campaigns from one section to a similar one, for example, between a staging and live environment or between sections supporting different languages and locations.
About copying campaigns
The ability to copy campaigns is designed to work with sections representing sites that are very similar to each other. The source and target must be of the same type (website, Android, iOS) and belong to the same vertical (e-commerce, media, and so on). If there are dependencies on other Dynamic Yield features, such as audiences, goals, evaluators, or any other entity, the copied campaign will search for an entity with the same name in the target section. If these do not exist in the target site, the copy will fail. Note that this doesn't apply to templates: Even if you copy a template over, the copied variation is unlinked from its template, and it must be manually relinked.
For example, copying a recommendation requires that a strategy with the same name exists in both the source and target sections.
The campaigns, including all experiences, variations, labels, and other settings, are copied to the target section. Variations connected to templates are detached from the original templates but maintain all configurations and settings.
You can determine whether you want to publish your campaign in the target section or save it as a draft.
- Copying campaigns is not supported for all campaign types, such as Dynamic Links.
- Feed-based variations can't be copied between sections.
- Archived campaigns can't be copied between sections.
- When you copy a published campaign that also has a draft version, only the published version is copied.
- You can't copy to a section that already contains a campaign with the same name.
- You can't copy multi-touch campaigns from one section to another.
- When the campaign depends on Dynamic Yield features such as evaluators, audiences, strategies, or any other entity, the target site must have a parallel entity with the same name.
- Variations are unlinked from templates when copied. Even if a template of the same name exists in the destination section, you must manually link the template to the copied variation.
Copying a campaign to another site
- Go to the list page that contains your campaign and click the additional action icon
. Select Copy to Another Site.
- Check the target section. Sections sharing the same vertical and type as the current site are available for copy.
- Specify wether to save the copied campaign as adraft or to published it in the target section.
- Click Copy to Site.