How to Create “New Users” and “Returning Users” Audiences?



  • Official comment
    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Fernando,

    My recommendation is similar to Alexander's. When you create the audiences based on the events, set the conditions to be met within the current session. Because the custom action campaign fires every session, you'll want to make sure your new and return audiences update each session. Setting the conditions to the current session allows new users to enter the return user segment on their next visit.

    In this screenshot, you can see an example of the current session configuration. 


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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Lucy,
    This should work, make sure you set the audience is configured to “current session” also check out this below:

    There are no out of the box audiences for new or returning users. So you can work around it using Custom Actions:

    For new users:

    1. Create a Custom Action.
    2. Set the frequency for once per user.
    3. In the experience of the Custom Action, set the targeting for new users is true.
    4. In the Custom Action variation, use the following code: DY.API(‘event’,{name:‘new_user’,properties:{}});
    5. Now create a ‘New user’ Audience. In the condition of this Audience, select the event ‘new_user’ [this was created by firing the custom action above]

    For Returning users:
    7. Create a ‘Returning user’ Audience.
    8. In the targeting of this Audience, target users that are not inside the ‘New user’ Audience
    9. Keep users in this audience as long as possible.

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  • Lucy Johnson

    Thanks, How long should it take for the new custom action ‘event’ to become available to select inside the new audience creation?

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  • Permanently deleted user

    The event should be visible a few minutes after the first of its kind is triggered

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  • Alexander Sugakov

    Hi Lucy,

    I'll share the way we do it for our customers. We're opening a Custom Code campaign with the settings below (please don't forget to switch GA events/Custom integrations off in Advanced settings in case you have them). Within the campaign there are two experiences targeted to "New User = false" and "New User = true". In every experience there's a single variation for 100% of users built on a DY out of the box template for an Event.

    We're firing "New User" and "Returning User" events and make up two session Audiences based on these events. Please see a screenshot of Audience conditions below:

    Audience Conditions

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  • Fernando Gavarrón

    Hi Meira, 

    One question, how much time do you set the new users to belong to the audience?

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Fernando. As this audience looks at conditions in the current session, it cannot be saved for a long period of time. The users will be in the audience for that session alone.

    You can see an example in Alex FitzGerald's audience above.



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  • Fernando Gavarrón

    Perfect, thank you both

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