How to upload a Data Feed with syncing via SFTP to S3 on Mac
Go to 'Assets" > "Data Feeds" > add new feed/edit feed
In "Feed Source" choose the "Sync securely via SFTP" option
Now you need to create the public SSH key:
Open your command line
Run: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Now you'll receive the output "Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/<your computer's user name>/.ssh/id_rsa):" meaning you need to create a file in which to save the key:
Create a folder to save the files in (for example: create in 'Documents' a folder named 'test')
Now run the directory of the folder you’ve created with the file name (the output hints you how to start the directory: /Users/<your computer's user name>/)
For example: /Users/daria/Documents/test/sftp-test.pem
Now you'll receive the output "Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):" > just click enter
Then you'll receive the output: "Enter same passphrase again:" > press enter again
Now you'll receive the outputs:
"Your identification has been saved in /Users/<your computer's user name>/Documents/test/sftp-test.pem.
Your public key has been saved in /Users/<your computer's user name>/Documents/test/"
meaning in the folder you chose, two files were created: one with the public key in it ( and the other with the private key in it (sftp-test.pem.) -
You need the public key to upload the data feed
To copy the public key you need to run the command 'cat' following the directory of the public key, following the public key file name
For example: cat /Users/daria/Documents/test/
Now the output will be the public key, copy it (it's long and stars with 'ssh-rsa' ends with ".local")
Paste the key to the filed "Public SSH key" in the admin and click "Register your key", the credentials for the upload will be granted
Click on "Save & Activate"
Now you can upload the feed using the credentials (to see them you can just click on “edit” feed):
Run in the command line: sftp -i /Users/<your computer's user name>/Documents/test/sftp-test.pem <User Name>@<End Point>
Run: pwd
Then run: lpwd
Now you need to know where your data feed is located and its name (for example: save a data feed in 'Downloads' named 'TestFeed")
To upload run the command 'put' following the directory of the feed and the feed name, following the rename because S3 accepts feeds only with exactly this name: 'productfeed'
For example: put /Users/daria/Downloads/TestFeed.csv productfeed.csv
When you'll receive the output that begins with "Uploading", you can understand it worked and the feed was uploaded.
Go back to admin > click “sync now”
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