Uploading CRM file to s3 bucket using CLI
How to upload CRM file to s3 bucket.
- s3 bucket was already created by support.
- scheme was validated
- support provided the bucket path, Access Key and Secret Key
Once all requirements are met open Terminal/Cmd
and do the following:
- type → [ aws configure ] → click Enter
- fill the provided Access Key → click Enter
- fill the provided Secret Key → click Enter
- For US section (section number starts with 8) the region will be [ us-east-1 ]
For EU section (section number starts with 9) the region will be [ eu-central-1 ]
after the region is set → click Enter - Click Enter
Once the configuration is done we are going to upload the file to the bucket following those guidelines:
- Go to the folder in which the file located using the CLI/Cmd
for example: [ cd desktop ]. - Make sure the file name is exactly like this "CRM_data.csv".
- type → aws s3 cp "file name" "bucket path that was provided by support" / "name of the folder with date and time" / "file name"
Need to look like this:aws s3 cp CRM_data.csv s3://dy-eudc-external-crm/be642824e32ad13e9ffcc6f879c485cb/upload_2020-12-16_00-00/CRM_data.csv
- Click Enter and wait for the message "Successfully Uploaded"
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