Is there a possibility to get the ZIP Code instead of the city name
Hi all,
I would like to use the geo location function from DY but region and city is only in text fromat available.
Is there an option to use the ZIP Code instead? Maybe with a custom evaluator, DY.geoCity or something like this?
Thanks a lot for your help and best regards,
For all here is the feedback from DY:
"Unfortunately, in terms of script implementation, we don't possess a low-level detail in regards to geo-targeting as a zip-code. We only have a high-level condition such as city/country.
The article you are mentioning in your question is about the server-side API, we do not support this feature for client side."
Thanks a lot for your answer.
Hi Peer,
You could create a DY Evaluator that utilizes our DY.geoCoords API. Then you could write code that checks if the user's coordinates (longitude and latitude) are within the correct range for the zip code in question. If the value returns true, you could create targeting conditions based on that Evaluator.
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