Replace value from JS if found inside div based on if/else condition



  • Alexander Mikhaylov


    there is an issue in your JS code.

    You are assigning a value to a variable, but not replacing innerHTML value.

    If I understood your idea correctly, then you should have something like this:

    var itemPrices = document.querySelectorAll('.slider-wrapper .pricebox');
    for(var i=0; i<itemPrices.length; i++){

    var discount_price_element = itemPrices[i].getElementsByClassName("dynamic-price")[0];
    var price_element = getElementsByClassName("rec_price_num")[0];

    discount_price_element.innerHTML = 'some new html';
    price_element.innerHTML = 'some new html';
    } else {
    price_element.innerHTML = 'some new html';

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  • Syed raza Ali

    Hi Alexander Mikhaylov thanks for your response,

    This code works very well

    <div class="slider-wrapper">
    <div class="price-box">
    <p class="dynamic-price">${discountvalue}</p>
    <p class="regular-price">${regularvalue}<p>


    var itemPrices = document.querySelectorAll('.slider-wrapper .price-box');
    for(var i=0; i<itemPrices.length; i++){

    var discount_price = itemPrices[i].getElementsByClassName("dynamic-price")[0].innerHTML;
    var price = itemPrices[i].getElementsByClassName("rec_price_num")[0].innerHTML;

    var discount_price = itemPrices[i].getElementsByClassName("dynamic-price")[0].innerHTML;
    var dynamic_price = getElementsByClassName("special-price")[0].innerHTML;
    else {
    var special_price = getElementsByClassName("regular-price")[0].innerHTML;
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  • Alexander Mikhaylov

    Hi! :)

    unfortunately your code does nothing, since your element has class "price-box", not "pricebox".

    If you change the selector to the correct one - you will get an error:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: getElementsByClassName is not defined


    I still haven't figured out what you are trying to do.

    Values in DIVs are filled without javascript. If you want to format them - you need to change your code.

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  • Syed raza Ali

    Code works fine just with different logic, above was posted as example Here is what i added to it to control special price property + price property from feed

    var itemPrices = document.querySelectorAll('.dy-recommendations__slider-wrapper .price-box');
    for(var i=0; i<itemPrices.length; i++){

    var discount_price_element = itemPrices[i].getElementsByClassName("dynamic-price")[0];
    var price_element = itemPrices[i].getElementsByClassName("regular-price")[0];

    if(parseFloat(discount_price_element.innerHTML) == parseFloat(price_element.innerHTML)){ = "none";
    } else { = "line-through";

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