The Value of Anonymous Visitor Tracking for Personalization
The key to a great customer experience is data, allowing you to target the right audience, with the right message, at the right time. And the more data you have about your potential buyer, the more tailored the messaging can be to match the specific needs and interests of your audience.
However, the average website sees 97% to 98% of anonymous visitors, i.e. people who have never given you their email address. These could be first-time visitors to your site, or even returning visitors who are still not part of your CRM.
Through various techniques like cookie-matching, browsing activity tracking, reverse IP identification, data onboarding, and contextual targeting, brands can fill in the blanks in their anonymous visitor profiles, reduce the amount of truly unknown users, and start personalizing experiences that drive action. Learn how and see some examples in action in this blog post.
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