Implementation helper not appearing after Chrome restart
Having trouble viewing the Implementation Helper?
Here are a few steps that might help:
Make sure it's not hidden by other elements on your end (e.g. chatbox).
It should be on the button-right side of the screen. -
Clear your cache and browsing data
Log in incognito
Try a different browser
Disable any adblockers or extensions that may interfere with its functionality
If you are still unable to see the implementation helper, please try the following:
Open chrome://flags
Set "SameSite by default cookies" to "disabled"
Relaunch Chrome
Please be sure to allow your environment to use SSL so that the SameSite secure cookie policies work and the cookies can successfully be used.
Official comment
The Dynamic Yield by Mastercard Chrome Extension is the newest, most reliable means of installing and using the Implementation Helper.
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